My blog featuring my kreations, sales, and giveaways.........


Saturday, January 2, 2010

I won, I won, I won!!!!!

I won the afghan!!! I am so excited! It is absolutely gorgeous, and very very generous of Kim to give it away. Thanks, Kim!!!


Jody said...

Congrats Kris! That is simply stunning!

Chany said...

Felicidades!!!! Que suerte te ganaste la mante mezquina , es muy bella!!!! Feliz año nuevo, Chany

Cordwood Cabin said...

It's beautiful! Lucky you -- I love the delicate design and the tiny embellishments stitched in place.

Lauren Leggatt said...

Thats one beautiful afghan you won there!

About Me

My photo
a step above Paradise, California, United States
I'm mother to 2 boys, 3 cats and now a puppy, with never enough time to do what I love doing........painting and crafting. I'm self-taught, and always learning as I go along.

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