My blog featuring my kreations, sales, and giveaways.........


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Now on to the Tagging.......

Ok, guys, I really have no idea what I'm doing, but here goes. As I said yesterday, Cora from Hidden Riches from Secret Places has tagged me, so that means I am to tell everyone 5 things about me. Which should be easy, since I am new to the blogging world, hee hee!! Then I get to find 5 more people to tag. Let's see........

1. I'm a single mom of 2 boys, the youngest has leukemia (in remission since 2001) and is suffering the after-effects of a hemorrhagic stroke (also in 2001).
2. I'm a fraternal twin......we don't even look like sisters!
3. I have no brothers and had the first boys in our family (never got the girl I've always wanted)
4. I am not a talker.....I would much rather listen to people
5. When I eat a 3Musketeers bar, I eat the chocolate off the outside, and then enjoy the inside.

Whew!! That was harder than I thought, LOL! Now I need to go find 5 lucky people, hee hee hee!!! Let's start with.....
Julie from OakLeaf Hollow Primitives, Mandy at Wyatt's Magic Wagon, Robyn at MotherLode Toad, Sandra at BabyCakes Designs, and I'll have to think of #5! This is not easy at all, LOL! Ok, guys, it's on you now! I really really have no idea if I did this right, but you can't learn unless you do, right??


Sandra Caldwell said...

Hi Kris...Looks like you did just fine...LOL
Life is sometime hard...and sounds like you have had lot of stones in yours....I will wish for the best for you and yours. Thanks for the tag...I guess now I must do my tagging... Thanks for the kind words about my Teddy Tales. Do visit me again. Takecare Sandra

jywheeler said...

Oh my gosh I like to eat my 3 Musketeers bar that way too! ha hahaaahhhhhhhaaaa kindred souls are we!

About Me

My photo
a step above Paradise, California, United States
I'm mother to 2 boys, 3 cats and now a puppy, with never enough time to do what I love doing........painting and crafting. I'm self-taught, and always learning as I go along.

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