My blog featuring my kreations, sales, and giveaways.........


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Another day, 2 more finished!!

Well, today was another busy day, but I managed to finish two more items! I had some candles that I had started painting, oh I don't know how long ago......or else I'm just trying to ignore the fact that it was a LOOOONG time ago. I think I was kick-started into finishing them by the fact that I was told that a friend of mine wanted to check out my etsy shop to buy something for his wife. Well.....I don't have a lot listed right now that would be fitting. So, I frantically started searching for something that was sooooo close to being done, and here ya go..... Above is the front of one of the candles, and here's the back......

This one just has a picture on one side.
It feels so good to get things done, and this blog is definitely a push in the right direction for me.
Also, Cora, from Hidden Riches from Secret Places, has so kindly initiated me into the world of blogging by "tagging" me, LOL! But that will have to wait until tomorrow when I am more awake and can figure out what I am doing. I just didn't want her to think I was forgetting!! I promise, Cora, I am not avoiding it!! So, stay tuned to see what 5 things you can find out about me, and to find out who I will "tag"!
Until then.........Sweet Dreams!!

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About Me

My photo
a step above Paradise, California, United States
I'm mother to 2 boys, 3 cats and now a puppy, with never enough time to do what I love doing........painting and crafting. I'm self-taught, and always learning as I go along.

Folk Art Fans on I Love Etsy

CaaT~Complementary Art & Things