My blog featuring my kreations, sales, and giveaways.........


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Old FarmHouse Gathering Spring GiveAway!!!

Click Picture to Enter GiveAway

Back by popular demand, The Old Farmhouse Gathering Group of Etsy is gearing up to have their Spring Celebration Giveaway. There will be primitive, folk art, and shabby Easter, St. Patrick's Day, and all things Spring handmades to fill a beautiful handwoven basket by Rose of Baskets by Rose. So keep checking back and follow the Old Farmhouse Gathering blog for further details.


Tins and Treasures said...

Hi, Kris,
Your blog looks great. Thanks for posting about our give-away!

Cordwood Cabin said...

Love the graphic for this season's giveaway ... so colorful and old-fashioned (and definitely a sense of whimsy thrown in there, too!)

Tina❀ said...

Came upon your blog and I'm so glad I did. I love it!

Meg said...

Hi Kris... if you live a step above must live in Magalia! I spent many a summer up there visiting my Dad... My grandparents lived in Paradise...

Love your blog... going to bookmark it!!

Meg in Missouri!

About Me

My photo
a step above Paradise, California, United States
I'm mother to 2 boys, 3 cats and now a puppy, with never enough time to do what I love doing........painting and crafting. I'm self-taught, and always learning as I go along.

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