My blog featuring my kreations, sales, and giveaways.........


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

OFG ~ Old FarmHouse Gathering Patriotic Challenge

Starting Wednesday, June 25, the Old FarmHouse Gathering is showcasing our Patriotic Challenge on There are a lot of wonderful entries depicting the patriotic spirit in each of us. Click on the picture above to go to all the listings. We will also be featuring as many treasuries as we can snag, and I will post those tomorrow.

Here is my entry:

Check us will NOT be disappointed!



Mrs.Kwitty said...

Oooh, LOVE your entry!! So cute--you are really a great painter.
Smiles, Karen

kris said...

Thanks so much, Karen!
Kris :)

About Me

My photo
a step above Paradise, California, United States
I'm mother to 2 boys, 3 cats and now a puppy, with never enough time to do what I love doing........painting and crafting. I'm self-taught, and always learning as I go along.

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